28May 2013
Well what a week it's been, last Tuesday we took over our boat " Essendee" , but unfortunately for myself I went down with the flu, I think I must of picked it up whilst at the Crick boat show. So off we went last Tuesday nose running like a tap to take ownership of Essendeee, when we arrived a Castle marina Nottingham the boat had already been off loaded from the Lorry and was sitting in the water and hadent sunk which was a bonus, not that we expected it to, she looked great all new and shiny, Findlay was presented and the rest of the lads and girls that formed part of the team, who were all busy making the boat presentable for us. We then named the boat with Denise pouring a small bottle of champagne over the bow, we and all of the crew who helped make her toasted the boat with a glass of bubbly.
The boat is just how we imaged her to look like, we are so lucky, there are a few little bits that needed to be finished so we left them to it whilst we started to move our personal possession on board. That evening we had a quick wash and then had something to eat in the pub that's next door to the marina and because my cold was now streaming we made our bed and was in it by 21.30hrs , about 01.00 hrs the next morning I awoke with the need to throw up which I proceeded to do, so the toilet was truly christened as well.
Next day we had to return home as we had a meeting regards to selling the house so reluctantly we retuned home with the plan to return the next day.
31 May 2013
Well best laid plans never run smoothly Denise now has caught my cold/ flu thing so we decide not to go to to the boat on the Thursday, on Friday Denise and I are both feeling a bit better so we take the trip up to the boat, the drive up was pleasant and we arrived at the boat yard about 10.00 hrs, we are now ready to have the demonstration and our first outing,
Dean one of the lads
took us all through the essentials of the boat and then turned the key and we were off on our maiden voyage, only an hour up the Nottingham and Beeston Canal, but Essendee was perfect she seems well balanced and easy to manoeuvre, so much so that Denise even took the tiller and was quite happy to steer past other boats. I must say though that she looked like one of the pointer dogs that has there eyes set only on the prey, her concentration was immense:-)

We then returned to the marina, where we continued to to do little bits of putting away stuff, that evening we ate out in the beefeater inn again, and awoke on Saturday purchased our CR&T licence then returned home, with the idea to return on Tuesday with more items to make Essendee our second home.
04 June 2013
Again plans don't go to schedule, after buying more bits n pieces for Essendee and packing the car for an early start in the morning I started to have pains in my stomach and swiftly had to use the loo, which I then carried on this pattern all through the night and early hours of next morning. So that put an end to our trip , I will see how I feel and hopefully go tomorrow .
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